Sometimes it can be difficult to keep track of your supporters and donations given, as well as where you're at in meeting your monthly budget. Thankfully a good program (like "Donor Tracker" below) can really help in this area.
Not only is keeping accurate records good stewardship, it also helps you as you communicate with others - for example, when people ask what percentage of support you’re at (not good to be stuck with a blank look on your face at that point!). Good records will aid you in sending thank-you’s and help you pray more specifically.
The program we recommend to do this (for simplicity and functionality) is "Donor Tracker" - it's a free, Excel based program, which is simple to learn and easy to use. You don't need to install any other applications or have a week-long training session to use it!
Download it here:
Donor Tracker 2 (2MB zip file, for Vista, Windows 7, Mac, etc)
Donor Tracker 1 (7MB for Windows XP)
For more detailed info on how to get started with it, click here.
All you need to do to start is input (a) your estimated Budget, (b) the names (and relevant info) of your donors.
Then each month write in who has given and the amount they gave (or copy/paste if your organization gives you a list).
That's it! Donor Tracker will then show you MONTHLY stats (see pic below)...
(a) Total donations received, month-to-date
(b) Percentage of monthly support received, month-to-date
(c) Percentage of yearly support
(d) Amount left to raise that month.
On the TOTALS page, you can see your YEARLY totals at once glance:
You will also be able to view:
(a) Complete yearly totals for each donor (both Church and Individual)
(b) Your "Top Ten" donors (see below)...
(c) CHARTS - showing donor giving comparisons, and individual donor patterns (see below)...
There is also a handy "PRAYER CALENDAR" that automatically puts your donor's names in a monthly calendar format which you can print out and use to pray for them each month!
Finally, there is a "Resource Page" that gives handy links and info to other relevant resources!
Download it and give it a try!
(Yearly support by donor)
(Donation comparison chart)
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