
Great resources to help you with fundraising!

Check out this article on "Fundraising Ideas for Missionaries" then scroll down for free software, programs, tips and ideas on raising funds.

1. BetterBUDGET - free Budget Software:
This FREE Excel based budgeting program is designed specifically for missionaries and those who use dual currencies.  Simply enter in what you spend each day and the budget calculates totals, charts your spending habits, and gives you an accurate picture of how you're doing financially!
Supporters give sacrificially to your ministry, it's vital that you keep accurate records of the resources God has entrusted to you!

Absolutely FREE to download and use this great budget program designed for dual currencies!  
[1.6 MB]
Need help getting started?  Download the BETTERbudget HELP file
 [1.3 MB]

Note: Both the budget and the help file are in "zip" format for easier downloading. Just right-click and choose "save as." Once you've saved them, double-click the zip file and then copy the files to another spot on your computer.

2. Donor Tracker - Free Donor Manager
This FREE and easy-to-use Excel based program keeps track of all your donations, and gives you monthly & yearly reports on each donor.  Includes monthly charts and graphs that show you at a glance where you stand each month.  Also includes your top-ten donors, prayer calendars, and much more!


Absolutely FREE to download and use this great program to keep track of your donors and supporters!
[750 KB]

Note: This is in "zip" format for easier downloading. Just right-click and choose "save as." Once you've saved it, double-click the zip file and then copy the file to another spot on your computer.

Donor Manager is another FREE donor tracking program, also created by a missionary.  You can download it at:

If you want something a little more complicated and in-depth, try out the FREE donor tracking software by TNT (a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ).
Check out it's features here.

3. Fundraising for Missionaries
"Fundraising Ideas for Missionaries" - is an article we compiled with ideas and tips for missionaries.  It covers the basics of fundraising and gives great tips on increasing support.  Written by a missionary who was self-supported for many years.
Read the full article online here or download it free here

Some more great tips from

For more practical ideas, see the People Raising website: 

4. Great books on Fundraising for Missionaries: